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Friday, April 30, 2010

"Love Me with your heart, mind, soul body and spirit.  Love Me from the minute you wake up in the morning, love me through the day, love me at night when your eyes are closed in sleep.  Love Me with every breath you breathe.  With every heartbeat and pulse beat say you love Me. Long for Me with your entire being.  Yearn for Me.  Raise yourself constantly to Me so that I who am yearning for you and leaning down towards you constantly, can grasp you and lift you up to Myself and hold you close to me.  There are very few who love Me.  The world is a cold, hard, sinful place and I am abandoned, feared and forgotten by many.  Console Me with your love.  Talk to me.  Tell Me how much you love Me.  Keep  your gaze fixed on Me.  Do all for my greater glory and because you love Me.  I thirst for the love of mankind.  Quench my great thirst with your love.

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