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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sirach 13:25-26, Ecclesiastes 1:2-11, Luke 9:7-9, Psalm90:4-6, 12, 14 & 17

Sirach 13:25-26
25 Man’s heart is reflected in his face, for better or for worse.
26 Does he show a happy face? All is going well to him. Has he found words of wisdom? He has reflected on suffering.

"My All, I asked You to give me some wonderful words to carry with me today and these verses are simply beautiful. Thank You. How absolutely true they are. Only in the winepress of suffering is the sweetest wine obtained."

Ecclesiastes 1:2-11
2 All is meaningless – says the Teacher – meaningless, meaningless!
3 What profit is there for a man in all his work for which he toils under the sun?
4 A generation goes, a generation comes and the earth remains forever. 5 The sun rises, the sun sets, hastening towards the place where it again rises. 6 Blowing to the south, turning to the north, the wind goes round and round and after all its rounds it has to blow again.
7 All rivers go to the sea but the sea is not full; to the place where the rivers come from, there they return again.
8 All words become weary and speech comes to an end, but the eye has never seen enough nor the ear heard too much.
9 What has happened before will happen again; what has been done before will be done again: there is nothing new under the sun.
10 If they say to you, “See, it’s new!” know that it has already been centuries earlier.
11 There is no remembrance of ancient people, and those to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.

"My All, at first glance one would nod ones head and agree heartily with this dour writer for this is so true of mankind in the 21st century. We chase after every new electronic toy and thirst to possess it. We want to gratify every pleasure - this is is the new/old gospel of hedonism where the 'I' of self and not the 'I AM' of the Gospel is the centre of the universe. But on closer reflection, one glories in the certainty of the sunrise, the wind, the seasons, the course of the river that flows surely and swiftly along its course. All words can be wearying if not spoken in love, compassion, kindness and gentleness. True, every thing that is created repeats itself over and over again. Babies are born over and over again but each one is ever new to its parents. Every sunrise and sunset is new each day. Every dawn brings fresh experiences and deeper knowledge and understanding of things, beliefs and people. Fortunately, my All, the Catholic Church has a memory that is over 2000 years old and she knows the path where fallacies and erroneus thinking has led man in the past, and she knows their outcome. The sins and heresies of the past have the same results now as they had then, so the Church in her wisdom can warn us of the results of our folly. If we have hearts to hear we can be saved from our own stupidity."

Luke 9:7-9
7 King Herod heard of all this and did not know what to think, for people said, “This is John, raised from the dead.” 8 Others believed that Elijah or one of the ancient prophets had come back to life. 9As for Herod, he said, “I had John beheaded; who is this man about whom I hear such wonders?” And he was anxious to see him.

Herod heard what the people of his time were saying and his curiousity was aroused nothing more. They thought John the Baptist was Elijah who had returned again. John was beheaded by Herod and when the people saw and heard You, they said that You were both John and Elijah. The old repeating itself. They were right, for You are ever ancient and ever new. You who was promised by God in ages past, has come gloriously alive in our present. In You, all that was ever said, every wonderful promise ever made, was fulfilled to perfection. Today, there are many would like to think that they have beheaded and buried You and are surprised and bewildered to find You gloriously alive. How beautifully this has been demonstrated during our Holy Father's recent visit to the U.K. So it will always be until You come again. Maranatha!!!

Psalm 90:4-6, 12, 14 & 17
4 A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has passed, or like a watch in the night.
5 You sow them in their time, at dawn they peep out. 6 In the morning they blossom, but the flower fades and withers in the evening.
12 So make us know the shortness of our life, that we may gain wisdom of heart.
14 Fill us at daybreak with your goodness, that we may be glad all our days.
17 May the sweetness of the Lord be upon us; may he prosper the work of our hands.

Thank You my Lord for these verses. No matter how long we may live, every life must end here and begin with You again heaven. The seasons must change, new blossoms must grow in the place of the old. All have their moment to be relevant and to embrace You willingly here on earth we will then be embraced by You joyfully in eternity. Help us all to realise that we were made by You and for You. Bless us richly each day in order that we may be faithful and obedient and that we may rejoice because You live, move and have Your being in us. You make life sweet and You make our work fruitful. THANK YOU MY LORD, MY GOD AND MY ALL.

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