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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Psalm 3:4-6, Job 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23, Luke 9:51-56, Psalm 88:2-3

Psalm 3:4-6
4 But you are my shield, O Lord,
my glory, you lift up my head.
5 Aloud I cry to the Lord,
and from his holy hill he answers me.
6 If I lie down to sleep,
again I awake, for the Lord supports me;

Having You Beloved, I have everything. You the great, glorious, almighty God is my shield and my refuge. You are my rock and my deliverer. I call Your Name and You hasten to help me. At night when I sleep, You are with me and when I awake You are still with me for my thoughts repeat Your Holy Name always.

Job 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23
1 At length it was Job who spoke, cursing the day of his birth. 2 This is what he said:
3 Cursed be the day I was born,
and the night which whispered:
A boy has been conceivedA boy has been conceived.
11 Why didn’t I die at birth,
or come from the womb without breath?
12 Why the knees that received me,
why the breasts that suckled me?
13 For then I should have lain down
asleep and been at rest
14 with kings and rulers of the earth
who built for themselves lonely tombs;
15 or with princes who had gold to spare
and houses stuffed with silver.
16 Why was I not stillborn,
like others who did not see the light of morn?
17 There the trouble of the wicked ceases,
there the weary find repose.
20 Why is light given to the miserable,
and life to the embittered?
21To those who long for death
more than for hidden treasure?
22 They rejoice at the sight of their end,
they are happy upon reaching the grave.
23 Why give light to a man whose path has vanished,
whose ways God blocks at every side?

My Beloved, I too have experienced what Job experienced when he lost all his children. I too wished to lie down and die. The pain was so unbearable I thought death would be preferable to the anguish of loss, of empty arms. But You are a gracious God and through the shadow of the Cross You drew me surely and certainly into Your loving arms. As I lay there I understood that it was necessary to experience suffering in order to learn from it and grow into a more loving, gentle, compassionate person. I know with certainty that death is not the end but the beginning. Death of loved ones especially the recent loss of a well loved sister, teaches me to cling less to the world and yearn more deeply and ardently for heaven.

Luke 9:51-56
• 51 As the time drew near when Jesus would be taken up to heaven, he made up his mind to go to Jerusalem. 52 He had sent ahead of him some messengers who entered a Samaritan village to prepare a lodging for him. 53 But the people would not receive him because he was on his way to Jerusalem. 54 Seeing this, James and John, his disciples said, “Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to reduce them to ashes?” 55 Jesus turned and rebuked them, 56and they went on to another village.

My Beloved, sometimes we get upset when people are not ready or prepared to listen to us when we witness to You. In fact there are some who wish to have nothing to do with You and it is very frustrating because we have prayed for these very people for years and years and nothing changes. We get upset and annoyed and can become mean spirited, uncharitable and very un-Christlike. But You are understanding, patient and very kind. You do not wish for the death of sinners but You want all to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. In imitation of You, we must continue to pray and love to the end. All that matters is that we are faithful in our loving witness. The answer to our prayers will come in Your time.

Psalm 88:2-3
2 O Lord, my God, I call for help by day; before you I cry out by night.
3 May my prayer come to you; incline your ear to my cry for help.

Like the Psalmist I cry out to You day and night bringing before You all those I love including myself. Day after day and night after night I call Your Name. Thank You for inclining Your ear to my cry for help, I am confident that at a time of Your choosing You will hear and answer me. Thank You and praise You my Beloved.

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