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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Proverbs 16:1-3, Matthew 18:27, 32-33

Proverbs 16:1-3
Man’s heart makes plans but it is Yahweh who answers.

Although people are satisfied with all of their deeds Yahweh considers the motives.
Entrust all you do to Yahweh and your plans will be realized.

Thank You my Lord for reminding me that although I may make many plans, it is You alone who answer.  You search the depths of our hearts and You know our motives.  Grant me the grace to trust You always with the trust of a child.

Matthew 18:27, 32-33

 27 The king took pity on him and not only set him free but even canceled his debt.
32 Then the lord summoned his official and said, ‘Wicked servant, I forgave you all that you owed when you begged me to do so. 33 Weren’t you bound to have pity on your companion as I had pity on you?’ 

Beloved, You forgive all my sins - all I need to do is to be sincerely sorry and with the help of Your grace resolve to sin no more and You cancel all my debts.  I in turn am bound to forgive all who ask for my forgiveness no matter how great or slight the offence.  To the extent that I show mercy, mercy will be shown to me.

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