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Monday, August 9, 2010

Daniel 12:2-3, Ezekiel 1:26-28, Matthew 17: 22-27

Daniel 12:2-3

Many of those who sleep in the Region of the Dust will awake, some to everlasting life but others to eternal horror and shame. Those who acquired knowledge will shine like the brilliance of the firmament; those who taught people to be just will shine like the stars for all eternity.

Here is another timely reminder that we are created for eternity.  Knowledge of You will help to increase our faith in You and our love for You.  Help me O Lord never to tire or cease in my efforts to get to know more about  You in order to appreciate You more.

Ezekiel 1:26-28

26 Above it was a throne resembling a sapphire and high on this throne was a figure similar to that of a man. Then I saw a light as of glowing bronze as if fire en­veloped him 27 from his waist upwards. And from his waist downwards it was as if fire gave radiance around him.
28 The surrounding light was like a rainbow in the clouds after a day of rain. This vision was the likeness of Yah­weh’s Glory. On seeing it I fell on my face and then I heard a voice speaking.

Here is a vision of Your glory and of eternity. You are alive eternally and one day, I too will be taken up in You.  I long for that day Beloved.  On the day You alone have appointed, I will close my eyes in sleep in this world, You will call me by the secret name You have for me that only You know, I will recognise it and I shall awake to new life in You.

Matthew 17:22-27

 22 While Jesus was in Galilee with the Twelve, he said to them, “The Son of Man will be delivered into human hands, 23 and they will kill him. But he will rise on the third day.” The Twelve were deeply grieved.
The Temple tax
 24 When they returned to Caper­naum, the Temple tax collectors came to Peter and asked him, “Does your mas­ter pay the temple tax?” 25 He answered, “Certainly.”
Peter then entered the house, but im­mediately Jesus asked him, “What do you think, Simon? Who pay taxes or tributes to the kings of the earth: their sons or the other people?” 26 Peter replied, “The others.” And Jesus told him, “The sons, then, are tax-free. 27 But so as not to offend these people, go to the sea, throw in a hook and open the mouth of the first fish you catch. You will find a coin in it, take it and let it pay for you and for me.”

We are sons and daughters of the Most High God for we have been baptised into Your body O Christ.  We are co-heirs to the inheritance that You have won for us.  We are the children of the Father and we belong to His Kingdom.  We are His.  Amen.

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