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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ezekiel 32:11, 12,14, Psalm 106 19-23, John 5:36

Ezekiel 32:11, 12,14
Moses calmed the anger of Yahweh, his God. "Turn away from the heat of Your anger and do not bring disaster on Your people." Yahweh then changed His mind and would not yet harm His people.

My Beloved, through Your life, passion, death and resurrection, You obtained for  us the freedom that enables us to call ourselves children of God.  Through the merits You won for us we can now call God Abba, Father.

Psalm 106:19-23
19 They made a calf at Horeb and worshiped the molten image. 20 They exchanged the glory of God for the image of a bull that eats grass.  21 They forgot their Savior God, who had done great things in Egypt, 22 wonderful works in the land of Ham, and awesome deeds by the Sea of Reeds. 23 So he spoke of destroying them, but Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him to shield them from destruction.

The scandal of the cross and the humiliation of My God in His cruel condemnation to death on the instrument of shame brought about my salvation and the salvation of the world.  As Moses stood in the  breach and pleaded for God's people so do we now have the most perfect Mediator in You Beloved, who pleads for us night and day before Your Father.

Beloved, the greatest work of redemption was accomplished through suffering.  Through my own sister's suffering united with Your Own, we too will be sanctified.

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