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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Micah 2:12-13, Romans 10:9-18, Matthew 4:18-22, Psalm 19:8-11

Mass Readings for today: Romans 10:9-18, Matthew 4:18-22, Psalm 19:8-11

Micah 2:12-13
I shall assemble you, nation of Jacob, and gather the remnant of Israel. I will bring them together like sheep in a fold, like a flock in its pasture. 13 They have a leader in their midst. See: their king goes before them, Yahweh is heading them!

Beloved, sometimes it is easy to become despondent and lose hope - the season of Advent revives and stirs alive the longing we have as we wait for You to come again. You hold all things together. You give meaning and purpose to our life on earth. Without You living in us, leading, guiding, loving and ruling us, life would lose all its savor.

Romans 10:9-18

Making a profession of faith with our lips of what our heart believes is the first step on the road to being saved. Unlike what many believers would have us believe, this is not a mere mantra but a pledge. It makes us belong to the family of God in the New Covenant and with this awareness of who we are comes the living out of our faith in every sphere of our life. Because of who God is and because He is generous to all who call on Him, does not mean that we take Him lightly or for granted. We are called to mission and indeed each has a grave and great responsibility in living it out as a light on a hill top. All our witness, our preaching, our life, must be rooted in the Word of Christ.

Matthew 4:18-22

Beloved, how often You walked by me and invited me to follow You and just as often, I pretended not to see You. Eventually love and grace won. I saw You, I heard You and I ran after You and I cannot even begin to imagine what life without You would be like. Following You Beloved, must be a daily decision of being more and more detached from things and people and to cleave to You ever more closely.

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