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Friday, January 15, 2010

1 Samuel 8:4-7, Psalm 89:16-17, Mark 2:11-12

1Samuel 8:4-7
 Because of this, all the chiefs of Israel gathered together and went to Samuel in Ramah. They said to him, “You are already old and your sons are not following your ways. Give us a king to rule over us as in all the other nations.”  Samuel was very displeased with what they said, “Give us a king to rule us,” and he prayed to Yahweh.  And Yahweh told him, “Give to this people all that they ask for.

My Beloved, how often we hunger and cry out for what will only be our ruin and downfall and yet we continue to clamor for all the wrong things.  We reject You and all the good things that come from following You and Your commands.  Forgive me Beloved for displeasing You in the past, for desiring anyone or anything other than You.  I want to be oen of thos epeople whom the Psalmist writes about in today's Psalm in vs 16-17 Blessed is the people who know Your praise.  They walk in the light of Your Face.  The celebrate all day Your Name and Your protection lifts them up.

Beloved, I want to be counted among one of these.

Mark 2:11-12
And He said to the paralytic, "Stand up, take up your mat and go home.  The man rose, and in the sight of all those people, he took up his mat and went out.  All of them were astonished and praised God says, "We have never seen anything like this."

One way of looking at this miracle my Lord, is to see myself before I encountered You - paralysed with inertia, but after my personal encounter and conversion, after my spirit and my life was touched by You - You gave me strength to stand up, pick up the daily crosses of my life and witness to Your saving love in my home and in all the familiar places I go each day.  My life must be one long hymn of praise to You my glorious God.

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