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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Numbers 6:24-26, Psalm 25:4-5, 8-10 & 14, 2 Timothy 9, 11-13, 15 Mark 12:34

Numbers 6:24-26
"I will bless you and keep you..
I will let my Face shine on you,
and be gracious to you!
I will look kindly on you,
and give you My peace!"

Beloved, thank You for Your triple blessing on me today. Once again I commit my life to You. All I am and have is Yours gracious Lord, do with me as You will.

2 Timothy 2:9, 11-13 & 15
9 The word of God is not chained. 11 This statement is true:
If we have died with him, we shall also live with him; 12 If we endure with him, we shall reign with him; If we deny him, he will also deny us;13 If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful for he cannot deny himself.15 Be for God an active and proved minister, a blameless worker correctly handling the word of truth.

Beloved, we will be rewarded according to our faithfulness in being true witnesses.  The most important thing is not to fudge the truth.  Not to blur the lines and meaning of Your Word, for Truth must stand and Truth must be preached and Truth must be lived.

Psalm 25:2-5, 8-10 & 14
4 Teach me your ways, O Lord; make known to me your paths.5 Guide me in your truth and instruct me, for you are my God, my savior; I hope in you all day long.8 Good and upright, the Lord teaches sinners his way.9 He teaches the humble of heart and guides them in what is right.10 The ways of the Lord are love and faithfulness for those who keep his covenant and precepts.14 The Lord gives advice to those who revere him and makes his covenant known to them.

The words of the Psalmist are an affirmation of what St. Paul has said.

Mark 12:34
34 Jesus approved this answer and said, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.”
How wonderful my Lord, if You could say to me as well that I am not far from the Kingdom of God.  I want to belong to You so completely that there is never a doubt in anyone's mind that I am Yours and Yours alone - fully with absolutely no reservations.  Yours and all Yours now and forever.

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